Convert your mower into a powerful tilling machine!


The incredible “Roto-Blade” is a simple blade (Made in USA!) that bolts directly on to your conventional lawnmower – and converts that mower into a powerful roto – tilling machine!

In a nutshell we were looking for an inexpensive way to remove dead grass and sod for the purpose of replacing it.
We had used sod-cutters many times and the alternative was a shovel. Both had their drawbacks. The sod-cutter was effective, however it was expensive to rent, and we always ended up taking away LOTS of dirt! The shovel was, well, just a shovel!
With some trial and error, we were able to create a great implement that gets the job done.
They fit ALL lawnmowers – You  lower the deck of your mower gradually – and of course, use caution!
The homeowner model is great for creating gardens, removing sod for the purpose of laying concrete, making beds for concrete curbs, and, of course, for replacing dead spots in your lawn. You can use the Roto-Blade on any lawnmower.
The PRO model is intended to be used on mowers with an engine of 10 HORSEPOWER or GREATER.
This includes all walk behind and riding mowers. You can use one or multiple blades. It is your preference. You may also leave the cutting blade on the mower or take it off. Sometimes, it is necessary to leave the cutting blade on due to adapters and odd shaped center holes.
If you are in doubt, just call or e-mail us, and we will be glad to answer any questions you may have.

Spring Special

$24.99 + $10.00 shipping

It even worked on an electric lawn mower!
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